Monday, November 29, 2021

Monday, November 29, 2021

 Monday, November 29, 2021

 Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love,
    so that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.
(Psalm 90:14)

My family knows that if we are packing for a long trip that they need to get all the items we are taking to the vehicle.  Once assembled, I look at each item and put them carefully in place so everything fits. 

I have learned there are two principals to follow if I want to get the right stuff in the car.  The two principals are to determine those items that are most essential and put the big pieces in first.  With those principals in place I was even able to move my daughter and all her “essential” goods to college (including the 32 pairs of shoes). 

So often at the end of the day when I look back, I wonder why I don’t feel like I accomplished anything.  Why I don’t feel like the day was successful, why the day was so bland.  As I look at those days to try to find the cause, I usually discover that I forgot to apply the same principals to my daily schedule that I use to pack the car. I failed to identify those things that were critical, and I did not plan where all the pieces, especially the big pieces, fit in the day. 

One of the best ways to start the day well is to carve out time for GOD early in the day and not let all the other issues steal that time from me.   Spending quality time with GOD is the missing piece of the puzzle for our souls, our source of joy. Unfortunately we must be disciplined to maintain the priority, or we so easily let other good things take its place. 

Lord, help me to keep you the priority in my life, to take time to talk to you and to get to know you better every day. 

Laurin Fleming serves as the PEMA Voluntary Agency Liaison to Lutheran Disaster Response – Eastern PA and is a member of Idaville United Brethren in Christ.

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