Monday, December 21, 2015

Monday, December 21, 2015

And he shall stand and feed his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God. And they shall live secure, for now he shall be great to the ends of the earth; and he shall be the one of peace.
Micah 5:4-5a

This year we watched as the worst refugee crisis since World War II unfolded in Europe. Hundreds and thousands of Syrian refugees flooded into Europe as they fled from terror in their own country. Families and individuals set out on a journey to seek safety and shelter, often not finding it.

It is like when Mary and Joseph, who set out on a journey only to find no room at the inn, gave birth to Jesus in a manger . Jesus was born on the road, wandering with his parents, and without a place they could call home. God redeems this story with hope and light brought to even the darkest of situations. 

We are birthing hope across vast networks of people and resources. In collaboration with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and Lutheran Children and Family Service, we are finding homes and making new lives for countless numbers of refugees right here in our own communities. It takes a whole network of folks to support this effort. No action is ever too little.

I marvel at how easy it was for St. Mark’s to get involved by offering an empty garage at our church to store some furniture that was collected and awaiting placement in a refugee’s home. That small act was transformed into a full donation center in our Education Wing which holds kitchen and household items that are used to set up a home for refugees in our area. Through our collective
work, we offer much more than what Mary and Joseph experienced in being offered a stable! We offer these refugees hope and a chance to live securely, because Christ first came and offered to make his home with us and give us hope.

Holy God, we thank you for your presence on our journey no matter where we go. Continue to guide and lead our care for refugees. Help us all to be instruments of your peace and protection so that all may live safely and securely. Amen.

Rev. Bryan Penman serves as pastor of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Conshohocken.
The church stores donated household goods for the refugee resettlement program.

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