Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thursday, December 10

He will feed his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms, and carry them in his bosom, and gently lead the mother sheep.
Isaiah 40:11

Like all communities across America and around the world, the city of Easton continues to see families and individuals who struggle to reliably put nutritious food on their table. God has provided enough bounty for all, yet we cannot seem to find the universal compassion to see that it is distributed fairly. Some of us have too much while others have too little. Faith leads me to seek a way to share God’s blessing and light with care and balance.

As a Christian, I seek comfort and insight through worship within our congregation at Arndt’s Lutheran Church in Forks Township, Pennsylvania. And through Lutheran Congregational Services, a Lutheran Social Ministry Organization, I have connected with other Christian soldiers beyond my congregation, people who share my mission to support the changes needed to relieve food insufficiency in our community, our region, our country and our world. Our work together helps me know that the path that God has shown me is the one to follow and that God will always provide the light to guide us.

Lord of light, help us see the need in our midst. Support and grow our collective compassionate hearts so that every lamb is carried in your arms, every lamb is fed as you intended. Amen.

Nancy Walters leads the “Make It Take It” kitchen in Easton. It is a program that teaches people who are food insecure to cook healthy, economical dishes.

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