Monday, December 7, 2020

Monday December 7, 2020

 The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?

Psalm 27:1

“A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.” This quote from FDR was printed on a piece of fabric I was using to make masks during the coronavirus outbreak and subsequent quarantine. As a World War II baby boomer, this is the stormiest sea I have ever encountered.

The Gospels have given us many examples in Jesus’ life where He showed us how to weather stormy seas. In Matthew 8, the disciples awakened Jesus because they were afraid of the storm which had washed waves into their boat. Jesus calmed the waves and ended the storm. First, trouble appeared, then help was requested and finally calmness prevailed.

On the Sabbath, a woman came to a synagogue where Jesus was teaching. Luke 13 goes on to say that she had been sick for eighteen years. Jesus called her to Him. He had compassion and healed her, yet was criticized for working on the Sabbath. He reminded His accusers that they lead their livestock to water on the Sabbath and wasn’t that much the same? Again, trouble, healing, more trouble, and then peace as His wisdom is revealed.

Matthew tells the story of the vineyard workers in Chapter 20. Laborers were hired at the beginning of the day and were promised a set wage. Additional people were hired throughout the day and given the same promise. At the end of the day, all workers received the same wage and of course, those who had worked all day thought this was unfair. Jesus puts this in perspective. Regardless of how long you believe in Him while on earth, you will receive a full wage, eternal life. Again, first trouble, then we hear the wisdom of the Master, and finally crises are averted.

David had it right in Psalm 27. “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?” Yes, we have troubles, and we need only to look to the Lord for inspiration and calm. 

Dear Lord, help me to remember to look to You for help in the stormy seas. Amen.

Kathleen Joyce is a retired history and English teacher and a member of Messiah Lutheran Church in Downingtown, PA.   

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