Friday, December 1, 2017

December 3, 2017 - First Sunday of Advent

You meet those who gladly do right, those who remember you in your ways. But you were angry, and we sinned; because you hid yourself we transgressed.
Isaiah 64:5 

Eugene Peterson in The Message captures the tone of this passage in the following way, “You meet those who happily do what is right, who keep a good memory of the way you work. But how angry you’ve been with us! We’ve sinned and kept at it so long! Is there any hope for us? Can we be saved?”

This verse is part of a larger lament of God’s people. The last two lines are telling: is there any hope for us? Can we be saved?  These lines speak to me in this very moment in time, when it seems to be a good time for lament. We are seeing the earth move, wind and fire are taking their toll. People are shooting other people, hatred seems to be running amuck. Is there any hope for us?

Truly, I find hope in the stories of courage and survival. I find hope in the stories of heroism and selflessness. When all around us is falling, we rise to the challenge, and band together to provide assistance as we are able. I see that disasters are bringing out the best in us.

I am grateful to be a Lutheran and for organizations such as Lutheran Disaster Response. LDR is with communities for the long haul in times of chaos and hopelessness. I am grateful that when those around me are asking “Where is God?” I can see that God is present in our compassion and humanity. Is there any hope for us? I say the answer is a resounding yes! 

O God of compassion, help us to be compassionate and hopeful. Amen. 

The Rev. Sandra Brown is pastor of Peace Lutheran Church in Bensalem. She spent many years volunteering with the Ingathering, and currently serves on the Advancement Committee of Liberty Lutheran.

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