Friday, December 23, 2022

Friday, December 23, 2022

When you see these things take place, stand erect, hold your heads high, because your liberation is near at hand. Luke. 21:28

A good question is: What are these things referring to? Sure, they are the incidents Jesus described in previous verses – cosmic signs, nations in agony, bewilderment by the clamor of ocean and its waves; men dying of fear as they await what menaces the world…the powers of heaven being shaken. 

For goodness sake, all these are what should make someone despondent instead of raising any hope; they should rather make the heads bend in utter disappointment instead of keeping heads high and erect. Yet, Jesus courageously tells us to pick up courage, hold our heads high and “be glad” for our liberation is at hand. What an irony! 

We as humans panic most when hard times impend. We are gripped with fear when things seem eerily too mundane. 

Using traditional music and cultural dances as an illustration, a close observation shows that when the music tempo gets hotter and faster, the dancers become more wild and get a bit violent, which signals the music is about to end, and then there will be some rest finally. 

You may be experiencing some of this frenzy at this time now that the year is packing up. The music of life may be playing faster and more fearful for you. The question would be: why me this time that the year is almost ended? I thought I should be heaving a sigh of relief by now. 

God’s words are: “when you see all these things happening, hold your head high, stand erect for your liberation is at hand."

Blessed are those who do not give up on the Son of Man in time of adversity. Stand erect. There is light at end of that tunnel. Maranatha...Come Lord Jesus, Come! Amen. 

Sr. Christa Mcgill is a resident at Paul’s Run. 

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