Monday, December 12, 2022

Monday, December 12, 2022

Indeed, over all the glory there will be a canopy. It will serve as a pavilion, a shade by day from the heat and a refuge and a shelter from the storm and rain. Isaiah 4:6

As I studied the book of Isaiah, it became evident that the prophet Isaiah played a huge part in God’s plan. He foretold the Messiah’s coming and brought hope to His people during a challenging time. This promise of hope is not only for the nation of Israel, but also for all of us. 

As a bereavement counselor for many years, I have come to believe that God assigns special roles for people and then gives them the knowledge and skill to carry out His plan. I love the part of this verse that calls for a “pavilion” to protect people from the heat and the storm. 

So many times in my grief counseling I start to realize that my job is to receive the grieving, broken-hearted souls that come to me...and then be a “listening, open and compassionate” person for them. It is not my job to have the answers to their sad questions, but for me to LISTEN and show them LOVE. 

I truly believe that “WE are what God is doing here on earth!” We can be his hands, his feet, his eyes, and his love. When “broken people” sit with me in a group or in an appointment, I whisper a silent prayer that God will help me to be a “canopy” to shelter them from the deep recesses of grief. He is ever faithful. 

Good and gracious God, You invite all who are suffering to come to You. Please allow us to realize that each of us can be a part of the canopy of your love and protection. Touch our hearts with courage and infinite love for all. Teach us all to reach out to you in our grief. Amen. 

Sylvia Havlish is grief counselor for Lutheran Congregational Services.

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