Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Tuesday, December 14

Turn away from the tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, or you will be swept away for all their sins. (Numbers 16:26)


In this joyous season, we receive this day: a warning. It is taken from a larger story that is terrifying indeed. The earth itself opens and swallows, whole and alive, over 250 people with their families and possessions. Such are the consequences of their actions, simply described as: “these men have despised the LORD” (Numbers 16:30).


I am particularly struck by the words “swept away.” They are chilling, considering the seasons we have just passed through: recurrent pandemic; drought and fires in the west; earthquakes in Haiti; hurricanes and floods; even the “sweeping away” of our military presence in Afghanistan. In a real sense, we can see how interconnected these events are. Even the sweep of time itself: how our past actions (and inactions) sweep across our present lives, and sweep us into a future uncertain and fraught with peril and unimaginable consequences.


And so, yes, we all must be ready to change; and this verse is a call to action. To “turn away” and “touch nothing” of the wicked ways that lead to worsening conditions and dire results. We must fight climate change. We must continue in the science that stills the pandemic, from vaccines to masks and beyond – assuring those same solutions are available to all people, everywhere. And we must share and sacrifice, open our homes and hearts to all who suffer, especially the vulnerable, the stranger, the refugee, the “tempest tost.”


And we must trust in the One who is, and was, and is to come – the “Word [who] became flesh, and lived among us” – in the original language of John’s Gospel, who “pitched his tent” with us – never turning away from our wickedness, but taking it all, to show us the true meaning of love, service, and sacrifice, to gain life and liberty for all.


Word of God, come and turn us away from evil, and grant us your life, that we may trust and share with all who are swept away by sin, including ourselves. Amen.


The Rev. Christopher deForest is the Bishop of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.





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