Friday, December 8, 2023

Friday, December 8, 2023

News of this came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch. When he came and saw the grace of God, he rejoiced, and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast devotion, for he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. And a great many people were brought to the Lord.

Acts 11:22-24

In Acts, people were scattered, on the move,, and scared for their lives. Initially these refugees only spoke with people they trusted, people like them, in the places far from their original homelands. But some took a big risk and proclaimed the Lord Jesus to people of different spiritual practices and cultures.

This risk is the news that “came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem.” People taking a risk end-up bringing hope basking in the grace of God. This witness happens in their host community, not their original home community. As Jesus was born from above and came to dwell among us; the Christian witness is mobile and powerful when shared – even when running for refuge.

I’ve received this biblical gift of witness, as a host, years ago – following Hurricane Maria – from people displaced to Reading, PA from the battered island of Puerto Rico. LCS was there enabling us to host a Camp Noah day camp.

The refugees came through this marathon bringing a witness of joyful gratitude to God for bringing them through the storm, hugging and crying with strangers while proclaiming, ¡Gracia a dios! Witnessing faith, as the heartbeat of daily life, even when that daily life is full of uncertainty.

This summer, the flooding was here at home, rendering school buildings unusable just weeks prior to the new year. LCS was (still) there again. Faith, rooted in service to community, LCS was already in touch with local and state resources mobilizing clean-up bucket hand-outs and local resource ‘fairs’.

People who were flooded were connected while looking to share their perishable food with others in need – as none of the refrigerators and freezers could work. Volunteers flocked to help others sign-up for assistance while their own material lives were stranded. People outside the community witnessed the unconditional love of Jesus; a catalyst for others to share this radical hospitality in the midst of trial.

In countless moments like these, I am a witness, like Barnabas, deeply moved by remarkable courage, resilience and grace as people share their faith in unfamiliar places and circumstances, through word and service.

LCS and the remarkable staff, like Julia Frank, are like heralds bringing the good news over and over to all people. This is where I see the Word Incarnate, Jesus among us, alive and thriving.

Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus! Continue to pour-out of our hearts, our hands, our mouths, our lives – in times of ease and times of trial. Please help us to be with those who are scattered, scared, and searching. Thank you for the grace and mercy we get to share with all whom we encounter in Your Holy Name. Amen.

Rev. Rebecca W. Knox is Pastor of Zion (Spies) Lutheran Church in Reading.

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