Saturday, December 23, 2023

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Be on guard so that your hearts are not weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness, and the worries of this life and that day does not catch you unexpectedly, like a trap. For it will come upon all who live on the face of the whole earth.

Luke 21:34-35

A couple years ago, my mom was diagnosed with cancer, right before COVID was in full swing and I couldn’t visit. I worried so much about her and her wellness, but I was reminded by my church that in God’s hands and in God’s way, she would be fine.

The day of her surgery in December 2019, I was on a plane to Puerto Rico for a Mission trip that would ultimately change my life and ministry passions. I had begged her to let me cancel my trip and visit her instead, and the words she used were so similar to the Luke Passage I’ll never forget, “What if you let my illness consume your life? What then? God has plans for you, go on your trip, and know I’ll be in good hands by the Great Physician.”

Today, she is well and recovering, and she was right. What if I wouldn’t have listened? I may have been trapped in a box I put myself in.

In this season of advent, and in the last few, it seems that many of us have multiple worries. We worry about weather, illness, accidents, children, schools and more. We worry about having “enough” for our families and friends, making it as special as we can, and remembering all who we care about during this season. So much worrying that we forget about the reason for the season, Jesus. This passage in Luke reminds us in a blatant way, to be on guard, and to be aware of the things that make our hearts and spirits heavy this time of year.

I think all of us struggle with the worries of what will people think, what if my gift or food for the holidays isn’t good enough. And God didn’t give us this season for that. We are to focus on the coming of this Messiah who takes away our sins and our grief. It doesn’t mean we won’t have worries, but we have faith to lean on God and his son Jesus, to take that burden off us.

May we have light hearts and high spirits during this season, and if we do worry, let it not consume us.

Holy one, be with us in our worries and sorrows. Remind us you are with us, among us and for us in all things. Remind us to remember the words of Luke as we live out this season and lift up our hearts as we await the coming of your son, our Messiah Jesus. Amen.

Rev. Michelle Wildridge is Chaplain/Director of Spiritual Life at Paul’s Run.

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