Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

For the promise is for you, for your children, and for all who are far away, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to Him.

Acts 2:39

The promise of the Messiah is for each of us… in God’s eyes, we are all one. We are His people and we have this time of Advent to truly reflect on what it means to be a follower of Jesus who became like us that we may have eternal life.

In these days where we see and hear about violence all around us it is hard to imagine a world where peace, love, and justice are the rule, not the exception. Jesus came to us not as a king but as a baby surrounded by love in a lowly cave, recognized by shepherds and animals.

The United States Bishops remind us that all members of society have a special obligation to the poor and vulnerable. As followers of Christ, we are challenged to make a fundamental option for the poor, to speak for the voiceless, to defend the defenseless, and to treat all with respect and love. We are called to strengthen the whole community by assisting those who are the most vulnerable.

At times I need to ask myself, “Am I willing to put judgment aside and truly do what I can to help those who are suffering because of a lack of respect and love that is the right of every person?” As Jesus accepts me with unconditional love for the person I am and not the things I do, am I willing to accept those around me with that same unconditional love, even when we do not agree with each other?

Emanuel- God with us, give me the grace to accept others as You accept me with love and dignity. Amen.

Sister Carole Eden is a resident of Paul’s Run.

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